ARP: Celebration of Research
A - D
Frances Boyle
How can we connect the arts and creative writing with community development and identity?
Anjini Chaddha
How can filmmaking techniques be utilized to accurately portray South Asian experiences?
Michael Clark
How has Artificial Intelligence (AI) played a role in changing how a prosthetic is made and its accessibility?
Visit my website.
Keelin Dailey
How can mental health treatment become more accessible to veterans who suffer from post-traumatic stress disorder and trauma?
F - H
Sophia Filipof
How can the fallibility of memory affect eyewitness testimonies, and in turn lead to false convictions?
Delaney Garvey
What is the best way to implement a suicide/mental illness prevention group into high school communities?
Kaeleigh Harmon
How can psychoactive substances be used to treat patients with dissociative identity disorder?
Katelyn Hayes
What method of diagnosing autism spectrum disorder has proven to be most efficient in diagnosing patients earlier in development?
Carsten Higbie
The electrification of the auto industry and the societal impact of future transportation systems.
Matthew Holder
What are potential alternative environmentally friendly products used to operate indoor ice hockey rinks?
J - L
DuJour Johnson
Casualties of The War on Drugs: Dismantling the African-American criminality complex.
Isabella Kalyvas
How can sports psychologists help to enhance the performance of athletes suffering from ADHD?
John Keyorkgy
What can we learn about the rise of disinformation by comparing the Knights of the Golden Circle to QAnon?
Trinity Lee
Can liquid-chromatography mass spectrometry (LC-MS) improve the diagnosis of SARS-CoV-2?
M - P
Sophia Ma
The role of environmental factors in the development of psychopathy and facilitating rehabilitation within the prison system.
Giorgio Malkoun
Why are new players in the NBA getting injured more, or seem less prepared for the league than they should?
Vincent Maribao
How do electrical grounding therapy pads impact mood and energy levels after waking up in the morning?
Reese Martin
What elements of the IVF cycle are responsible for the increased risk of preterm birth in singleton pregnancies?
Lily McLauchlan
The effects of misconceptions surrounding the choice debate on women’s access to abortions.
Courtney Mecke
Is there an effective alternative to antidepressants for less severe cases of anxiety and depression?
Jada Moore
How does unjust treatment affect the stress and health of members of historically marginalized groups?
S - Z
Lucas Sikora
Contingency plans for pandemic outbreaks and how can we improve them? Is there a better way to prepare?
Sarah Stephens
How can integrative treatment affect the oncology field?
Patient Stories: An Anthology
by Sarah Stephens
Samuel Sword
Sleep Tracking Technologies: Comparing consumer-targeted trackers to medically targeted trackers.
Sawyer Szajenko
What are the effects that screen-time can have on children’s mental and physical health?
Autumn Williams
The African American Father: A study of film to dispel the stereotypes on and off the screen.
Ruide Xu
The Creation of a Science Fiction: A Tale about the space elevator, nuclear apocalypse, and humanity.